Frequently Asked Questions
The “Personalized Women's Wellness“ Signature Program is a holistic, all-natural approach to hormone balancing and health transformation for women, regardless of their age. It focuses on 100% natural solutions, provides you the education and knowledge you are not being given from your doctors, debunks the myths you are seeing on social media, and puts you back in control of your health for the rest of your life!
The “Customized Women's Wellness“ Program is not covered by insurance. The whole purpose of the program is to get you out from under of the control and supression of the medical model and insurance game, and give you the knowledge that you are not being provided, debunk the myths you are being told on social media, and to take back total control of your health for the rest of you life.
Insurance only covers the conventional ways of handling health issues, and since our goal is NOT to use conventional methods, insurance will not cover it. We are assuming the reason you are here is because you are not getting the care and results you desire from this model in the first place.
This Program is your PERSONAL INVESTMENT in YOU! People will invest in "self-care" in the form new cars, vacations, and additions to their homes, without a second thought. We expect you to do the same regarding your most important assest, YOUR HEALTH!
The program spans one year, during which you will receive comprehensive knowledge, support, and guidance tailored to your unique health and hormone needs. This duration is essential to ensure effective hormonal balancing (of all 67 Hormones), permanent improvements and results, that will last a lifetime.
This program is ideal for women who are experiencing hormonal imbalances, of all ages, and are looking for natural solutions to handle their symptoms.
Your Body has 30 Trillion cells and it takes 7 Years for it to completely replace all of them. Success in this Program requires a committed and proactive mindset towards lifelong wellness, and not just symptom relifef. Participants need to be ready to embrace significant food and lifestyle changes, understanding that transformation is a journey that requires time and dedication. We recommend starting with a 1-Year Program.
You can expect a comprehensive approach that includes personalized wellness plans, expert consultations, dietary guidance, and support groups. The program aims to naturally balance hormones, enhance energy levels, and improve overall health.
The program does not include synthetic hormone replacements or conventional medical treatments for symptoms. Instead, it focuses on natural and holistic methods to address the root causes of hormonal imbalances and natural hormone support with vitamins and herbs.
Key components include PERSONALIZED initial and ongoing assessments, our Body Talk Analysis, functional lab tests, a personalized wellness plan/road map, food & dietary recommendations, exercise & lifestyle adjustments, tailor-made natural supplement protocol, and continuous support from health professionals dedicated to women’s health.
Yes, personalized support is a cornerstone of the program. This is not an online membership or group classes. You will have regular consultations and check-ins to adjust your personal plan as needed and to ensure you are making progress towards your health goals.
Unlike many programs that offer fad diets, quick fixes, 21-Day challenges, synthetic interventions or medications, this Women's Wellness program provides a natural, holistic approach tailored to each of your specific needs.
Just like a snowflake, no 2 are identical, thus we will be focusing on YOU and your long-term health transformation and empowerment.
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Take Your Free Health Assessment, Share Your Unique Health Story & Let's Discover Together If Our Personalized Functional Health Program Aligns With Your Health Goals.
Women's Holistic & Functional Medicine
© 2024. Dr Lori Puskar. All rights reserved.
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